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Taipei, Taiwan
Gourmet diners' favorite for premium quality steaks, special Himalayan rock salt dry-age method by our expert team of chefs. Grilled over a wood fire of walnut and longan, we present you steaks with layers of favors all while maintaining the tenderness of the meat. Glasshouse design truly offers exceptional fine dining experiences.
PRIME ONE牛排館提供饕客品味奢華牛排盛宴新選擇,搜羅美、澳各國牧場頂級肉品,以乾式熟成或濕式熟成來呈現牛排不同風味,此外也提供嚴選豬排、羊排、海鮮等頂級主菜,透過料理經驗豐富主廚團隊精湛廚藝與外場貼心服務,完整呈現出高級牛排館奢華料理,靜謐的空間,將帶來精采、迷人食尚體驗。
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